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Parse Command Line Positional Arguments and Flags with Bash


We'll go over using short flags, long flags, flags with and without values and required positional arguments.

Quick Jump:

There’s a number of ways to handle user input in your scripts. Using command line flags and positional arguments are a popular approach.

When I’m looking to build a portable and zero dependency command line tool I often use the tactics described below.

# The Script

Since the script has a decent amount going on, I’ve littered it with a bunch of comments. The demo video covers everything in more detail as well as seeing it run.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
set -o nounset

# A help menu showing how to use the script and what the expected output is.
_usage() {
cat << EOF
  ${0} NAME COUNTRY -i|--interests X[,Y] [-c|--cool]

    Name: NAME
    Country: COUNTRY
    Interests: X[,Y]
    Cool?: (true|false)

main() {
  # Positional arguments.
  local position=0
  local name=
  local country=

  # Flag arguments.
  local interests=
  local cool="false"

  # Count all of the args passed into the script and continue looping while we have args.
  while [[ "${#}" -gt 0 ]]; do
    # Determine which arg we're working with.
    case "${1}" in
      # Optimize for happiness and support multiple variants.

        # Since there's nothing to do, we're done.
        exit 0
        # Set the value so we can use it later in the script.

        # Interests requires a value, so we make sure it's not empty.
        # If it's empty we'll let the user know and print a message to STDERR.
        [[ -z "${interests}" ]] && printf "%s must have a value\n\n" "${1}" >&2 && _usage >&2 && exit 1

        # Pop the first 2 elements off the list of arguments in $@, in this case
        # that's the -i|--interests flag and its value. This lets us break out
        # of the while loop because eventually we'll reach 0 args.
        shift 2
        # Set the value so we can use it later in the script.

        # We only need to pop the first element off the list of arguments
        # since this flag doesn't have a value.
      # We've handled all of our flags, now it's onto anything else (the positional args).
        # Determine which position we're at (this value defaults to 0 earlier in the script).
        case "${position}" in
            # Set the value so we can use it later in the script.

            # We've processed this position so let's increment it by 1 and
            # pop the first element off the list of args so we can continue in the loop.
            # The same as above.
            # The user called the script with an unexpected argument, so let's bail.
            printf "Unknown argument: %s\n\n" "${1}" >&2
            _usage >&2
            exit 1

  # Validation.
  [[ -z "${name}" ]] && printf "Requires NAME\n\n" >&2 && _usage >&2 && exit 1
  [[ -z "${country}" ]] && printf "Requires COUNTRY\n\n" >&2 && _usage >&2 && exit 1
  [[ -z "${interests}" ]] && printf "Requires --interests X[,Y]\n\n" >&2 && _usage >&2 && exit 1

  # The script's logic now that the inputs are defined.
  echo "Name: ${name}"
  echo "Country: ${country}"
  echo "Interests: ${interests}"
  [[ "${cool}" == "true" ]] && echo "Cool?: ${cool}"

  return 0

main "${@:-}"

If you end up not needing flags then you can simplify all of this by accessing ${1}, ${2} or whatever positional args you need without the while loop and case statements.

# Demo Video


  • 0:56 – Displaying a usage message
  • 2:44 – Seeing how $@ works
  • 3:19 – Setting up variables for our inputs
  • 4:26 – A while loop and reducing the args until it’s 0
  • 6:23 – Handling the help menu
  • 7:41 – Handling the interests (required flag)
  • 9:11 – Understanding how shift works
  • 10:53 – Handling being cool or not (optional flag)
  • 12:05 – Handling positional arguments
  • 13:32 – Exiting out if there’s too many arguments
  • 14:08 – Validating our inputs
  • 15:45 – Performing your script’s main purpose
  • 16:12 – Why I explicitly return 0 in the main function
  • 16:52 – For basic parsing you can skip the loop and read $1, $2, etc.


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